For dinner last night I made 2 different pies. Both are versions of my mothers.

A few times a year my mom makes shepherds pie. Last year my brother walked in on her before she started and asked to have just meat loaf and mash. When she went to take the meat loaf out of the oven it had turned its back into shepherds pie! She forgot that she was making meat loaf! Afraid of what may happen I made a Shepherdess pie.
1 chopped onion
2 chopped carrots
12 chopped mushrooms
Cook on med high heat with 1tsp oil, thyme, two bay leaves salt and pepper for about 10 min, until the mushrooms have stopped giving off liquid and the carrots are soft.
Fill a baking pan. Then top with 1 cup corn (fresh, frozen, or canned) and 1 cup peas (I used soy beans). Cover the with the mash. (I cooked four potatoes, left on their skin and mashed with 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup yogurt, 2 tsp butter, 1 tsp chives, 1/4 cup cheese, salt and pepper.) Finish with paprika.
Bake for 30 min at 150c, until the top is crusty.

My mom does not like to make pie dough, she does make a really good crisp. She never uses a recipe (from what I can tell) so when I started to recreate her crisp I may have gone too far from her original.
The first major difference between our crisp is that I always leave the skin on the apples. I'm not just that I'm lazy, but it healthier therefore you can eat a second piece of pie.
4 cored and sliced apples
zest of one lemon and half its juice
1 tsp vanilla
a few shakes each of:
garam masala (A great addition, I sneak it into all of my moms pies)
dash of salt
Fill the pie pan and in the dirty bowl mix the crisp:
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1/2 cup ground linseed
1/2 cup brown sugar
a shake of each of the pie spices
2 TBS butter
Mix and top pie.
Bake at 150c for 30 min.

The apples were so good, the crisp needed oatmeal (which I was out of) and it was too sweet. Maybe my mom with give me her recipe.